5 Energy-Boosting Tips
There are so many things that can contribute to feeling fatigued. Even emotions such as a sense of overwhelm can cause fatigue. Certainly, your cancer journey, both treatment and recovery, can create tremendous fatigue. I want you to know that you’re not alone in feeling this way, and that there are some things that you can do to combat fatigue!
Many variables on your cancer journey including, stress, anxiety, and even pain can all make it difficult to get the sleep that you need during your treatment. In addition, hormonal changes can also create a drain on your energy. But, let’s look at 5 easy steps you can incorporate into your day to help your body best deal with fatigue!
1. Hydration
This is so important! It’s important even when you’re not fighting cancer, and it’s absolutely crucial in this journey now. Set reminders, use a large water bottle, cup, or tumbler to track your water intake and keep you on target. Flavorings from fresh fruits can help you feel like drinking more, along with drinking from straws. You just might want to stick with glass or silicone straws if you’re experiencing a metallic taste as a result of your treatments.
2. Gentle movement
I know - movement is the last thing that you want to be doing when you’re fatigued and uncomfortable, but it will make a huge difference! It’s even documented that movement during cancer treatment can reduce depression, anxiety, and pain. It can also increase your energy and help you maintain your strength. Movement has actually been shown to help your body fight the cancer and even improve cancer outcomes!

3. Quality food
I know that exhaustion can make it harder to want to eat good food, let alone prepare it. It’s so important that you’re getting high quality proteins and fresh food. Instead of prepared shakes, why not make your own smoothies with nut butters, avocado, and frozen fruit. You can even make smaller batches using the base of your mixer and a standard mason jar. Eating smaller meals slowly will give your body time to digest and absorb the nutrients that it needs.
4. Sleep
Sleeping well is something that we all know is important. Unfortunately, sometimes the pain from cancer and treatments makes it difficult to really get a good night’s sleep. This is why it’s important to help your body by sticking to a sleep schedule and practicing good sleep hygiene. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, practicing a body scan is a great way to train yourself to relax. Also put away those screens at least an hour before bedtime!
5. Stress reduction
Our day-to-day lives can bring along enough stress on their own, but then a cancer diagnosis gets added to the mix and it can definitely push the limits of stress. Of course it’s hard NOT to be stressed out by all of it. What can you do to battle this? Gratitude journaling is a wonderful practice that can be so powerful. Start with jotting down three things a day that you’re thankful for, and go from there. Meditation is also a powerful tool against stress. Get outside, into nature, and take a walk. Not only will you be getting in the movement that we talked about earlier, but you’ll also get to experience the healing effects of nature.